Post-birth fitness may seem unnecessary and even a bad idea, but in fact it is the opposite. Physical activity is a recipe for staying beautiful and healthy, including after pregnancy. Choosing the right exercises and following your doctor’s and instructor’s recommendations is crucial, so that exercises bring you pleasure and benefits. Come to our gym in Pechersk and our instructors will help you choose the best exercises for you. Personalized post-pregnancy weight loss exercise program will help you quickly get back to your pre-pregnancy or even better body.

Exercise and Breastfeeding

Exercising while nursing does not affect milk supply or its composition, neither it affects the baby’s growth. Certain studies, however, demonstrate that highly intensive physical activity may increase lactic acid levels in breast milk which makes its taste sour, and the baby might not like that. If you are a breastfeeding mum, you may avoid this by sticking to moderate exercise routine and drinking a lot of water during and after the workout.

If staying very active is your priority during the first few months of breastfeeding, try feeding your baby or pumping milk before your workout to feed your baby later. Emptying your breasts before the workout will also bring more comfort during the exercises. Another option is simply take some time before breastfeeding your baby right after your workout.

When to start

Back in the day, health workers would often recommend women to wait at least six weeks after delivery before getting into exercises. Sometimes the waiting period could be longer. If a woman had easy labour, she can start working our whenever she feels ready for that. In case of C-Section or hard labour, please seek your doctor’s advice as to when is the best time to start going to the gym. In Kiev, young mothers are often offered dance fitness, which is an easy, fun and effective way to start postpartum recovery.

Regular post-pregnancy exercising:

  1. helps to lose weight, especially when combined with a low-calorie diet;
  2. increases cardiac output;
  3. tones and strengthens muscles;
  4. tones abdominal muscles;
  5. boosts energy and mood;
  6. helps to manage stress;
  7. helps battle and reduce postnatal depression.

And the best thing is that by staying active in your daily life you will become a great role model for your child. For, many Kiev gyms today offer ‘mum and kid’ sessions.