Myth № 1. To keep fit, you need to be physically active twice a week. Let’s just say: this is not enough.

According to scientists, it is necessary to train at least three times a week, and ideally you need to be active every day. Simple walks or short runs will be a great addition to training in the gym.

Myth № 2. Morning is the best time to train. This statement is subjective, because each of us has our own biorhythms and schedule of the day. Therefore, the main point of effective training time is a comfortable time for you and your body.

Myth № 3. Free weight exercises turn fat into muscle

Classes with dumbbells and barbells are not able to save you from extra pounds. But with their help, you can build muscle tissue. And to get rid of fat mass, proper nutrition will help, which should be based on vegetables, whole grains, foods with a high protein content, as well as healthy fats — olive oil and fish.

Myth № 4. Strength training are for men only

If you like strength training, then your gender doesn’t matter. But according to scientists, the fact that the female body produces less testosterone than the male can have a significant impact on the result of training, as this hormone plays an important role in increasing muscle mass.

Myth № 5. The more time you train in the gym, the better result will you have

Your body needs to rest, especially after intense workouts, says Ashley Borden, a Los Angeles-based trainer with whom many celebrities work. If you work out in the gym every day, then there is a high probability that your body will suffer from fatigue. Excessive training does not allow the muscles to recover, so you need to take breaks for rest.

We hope that such refutations of myths will help you to study training issues in more detail and always seek the opinion of specialists. And the BODYART / FITNESS team wishes you a good and effective workout!