Yoga is a set of physical and spiritual practices that not only keeps your muscles tones, but develops your physical and spiritual endurance. Yoga exercises engage deep so-called stabilizer muscles which are rarely are engaged in gym workouts. Although many people believe yoga is not quite an effective method to lose weight, with regular exercising, gradually increasing loads and good diet, the result will not be slow to arrive.



Yoga is a set of physical and spiritual practices that not only keeps your muscles tones, but develops your physical and spiritual endurance. Yoga exercises engage deep so-called stabilizer muscles which are rarely are engaged in gym workouts. Although many people believe yoga is not quite an effective method to lose weight, with regular exercising, gradually increasing loads and good diet, the result will not be slow to arrive.

Often yoga is used to complement intensive strength training in the gym. It helps to stretch muscles, relax, tone them up, reduce post-workout soreness.

The main equipment that yoga uses is our body, that is, all exercises are body weight exercises – stretching, hand balances, etc. Intense gym sessions form sculptured body using special machines and various equipment. The training concept is totally different.

When choosing between the two – yoga or fitness – many people look to their temper and health level. Strength training may have restrictions for certain people, while yoga is often recommended by doctors as part of joint rehabilitation program. Yoga is about smooth flowing workout that requires focusing and ability to relax. No wonder the most challenging asana is the Corpse pose done at the end of yoga practice, when you need to fully relax your body and mind.

If you want to get Mr. Olympia or fitness model body, then intense training is a must. However, yoga could also do good for you if you are willing to set on this path too.